Aizatron would like to thank Vodacom for hosting our young engineers who are working on local development of smart devices and digital solutions.
It is genuinely heartening to see Vodacom – one of the largest companies in South Africa, willing to support local engineering talent and innovative local SMEs by sharing their knowledge and experience.
Our visit to Vodacom gave our young engineers insight into the following:
1. how large complete complex enterprise systems work
2. how to build high availability systems that can scale
3. how to build applications to monitor these systems
Our engineers now understand how some of Aizatron’s products like Splunk & our home-grown smart IoT devices serve a vital role in infrastructure monitoring & service assurance. Our engineers also identified uses of RPA & Artificial Intelligence, which Vodacom is already embracing. It is clear that Vodacom lives up to its tag line “The Future is Exciting, Ready?…Our young engineers’ response to Vodacom is “YES, we can’t wait!”